Table of Contents

What is the anti drone system

Anti drone system refers to the anti-Uavs system that uses spectrum detection, radar detection, radio interference suppression and other technologies to control and defend illegal invasion of drone. It is mainly composed of detection detection unit and interference suppression unit. The detection unit is responsible for real-time collection of the drone signals in the control area of the drone. Once the illegal invasion drone is found, the alarm information will be generated immediately and transmitted to the interference suppression unit, and the interference signal of the drone will be sent to drive the invading drone or force landing.

I hope this article will give you a deeper understanding of the anti-drone system and how to choose the appropriate equipment to build your anti-drone system.



从图 1 中可以看出,全球无人机市场呈现出持续上升的趋势。这也意味着我们将面临越来越多的无人机潜在风险。为了加强对无人机的管理,美国、中国、日本和欧盟相继出台了无人机 RID 管理条例。然而,面对未经授权的无人机飞行活动,简单的 RID 模式可能会失效。因此,我们需要更全面的反无人机解决方案。比如雷达和光电,以及软杀伤系统和硬杀伤系统。



  • 如何找到无人机?
  • 如何攻击无人机?



解决了 "如何探测无人机 "的问题,我们再来谈谈 "如何攻击无人机"。首先我们把反无人机的方法分为软杀伤和硬杀伤。在日常应用中,最常见的是软杀伤设备,如无人机干扰设备、GNSS欺骗设备等。硬杀伤一般指物理破坏,如激光。




激光作为最强大的硬杀伤手段,无人机绝不能忽视它的存在。也许有人会问,为什么不用枪射击无人机,这样不是更好吗?要知道,由人操作的快速飞行的无人机是很难击中目标的。激光设备是通过探测数据来引导完成目标瞄准动作的。 设备。激光的缺点是昂贵、复杂和射程有限。 Since hard kill devices involve some sensitive stuff, I won’t discuss it much here. Please understand that this information may not be available later. If you have any questions, please email me.




什么是 射频 侦测:

RF detectors use spectrum detection techniques to acquire UAV signals. The spectrum sensing technology is a technology to identify, measure and locate radio signals by analyzing the distribution and characteristics of signals in the frequency domain. In the UAV spectrum detection equipment, the spectrum detection technology is mainly used to monitor and analyze the air radio signal in real time, so as to obtain the key parameters such as frequency, bandwidth and power of the signal.

The a......的 射频 检测:

  1. 被动检测,不主动发射信号
  2. 无线电波传播距离足够远,可覆盖大片区域
  3. 它可以实现无人机的高精度定位
  4. 与雷达、光电、声学和其他无人机探测技术相比,无线电探测的成本非常低

失调的优点 射频 检测:

  1. 信号加密难以破解
  2. 易受电磁干扰
  3. FPV 难以定位


什么是 相控阵雷达:

Phased-array radar is phase-controlled electronically scanned array radar. Its ability of fast and precise beam conversion enables the radar to complete the scanning of the whole space within 1 minute. The so-called phased array radar is a radar array composed of a large number of identical radiation elements. Each radiation element is independently controlled by the wave controller and phase shifter in phase and amplitude, which can obtain accurate and predictable radiation pattern and beam direction.

反乌斯雷达主要探测 "低小慢 "目标,常采用X、Ku波段,综合双偏振全相干、智能雷达数据处理、多源数据融合等技术,可实现全天候、主动、多目标、精细化探测 "低小慢目标 "+"低空微气象 "目标。

a的优点 r雷达探测:

  1. 扫描速度快,光束灵活可控
  2. 探测距离远
  3. 目标容量大,可在空域内同时监控和跟踪数百个目标
  4. 强大的抗干扰能力
  5. 对复杂的目标环境有很强的适应能力
  6. 可靠性高

失调的优点 r雷达探测:

  1. 高成本
  2. 设备复杂
  3. 近距离有盲点
  4. 光束扫描范围有限





a的优点 电子光学跟踪系统:

  1. 高清摄像头,高精度
  2. 强大的物体识别能力
  3. 实时图像传输
  4. 自动目标跟踪

失调的优点 电子光学跟踪系统:

  1. 受环境影响
  2. 技术先进性
  3. 硬件依赖性强
  4. 光学相机更昂贵


After detecting the drone through the detection system, it is necessary to solve the problem of how to defend the drone. The ways to defend Uavs are usually divided into two main categories, namely soft kill and hard kill. Soft kill is mainly achieved through electronic technology, while hard kill uses physical destruction. At present, the most common is soft-kill technology, because it is better cost performance and less difficult to implement. Soft kill technology applies electromagnetic wave technology to interfere with the remote control signal and video transmission signal of UAV by transmitting the same frequency signal. The technology was first used in drone jamming devices, and then spawned into drone spoofing devices.The market is flooded with drone jamming devices, and let’s discuss this one first. Then, let’s look at drone decoy devices.





You need to decide which structure of the interference device to choose according to your specific use case.

a的优点 无人机干扰器:

  1. 价格便宜。性价比高
  2. 可覆盖多个通信频段
  3. 同时干扰多个目标

失调的优点 无人机干扰器:

  1. 干扰距离有限
  2. 设备功率高
  3. 不会对无人机造成直接损害,只能迫使无人机返回出发点或在原地安全降落。



通过发送误导性 GPS 信号,无人机无法准确获取位置信息,导致其定位偏移或丧失导航能力。

市场上主要有固定式欺骗设备和便携式欺骗设备。全球导航卫星系统欺骗设备的结构差别不大,我们需要关注的是它覆盖了多个卫星定位系统的信号。我们知道全球四大定位系统的主流:GPS、北斗、伽利略、格洛纳斯。一般来说,我们需要这四个系统的信号。因为普通无人机至少有两个 GNSS 定位器,例如大疆的许多无人机可能有三个甚至四个定位器。因此,为了做到万无一失,我们的欺骗设备最好能覆盖所有 4 个主要的全球导航卫星系统。

a的优点 无人侦察机

  1. 设备功耗低
  2. 它会直接影响无人机的飞行,甚至导致无人机坠毁。
  3. 覆盖范围大于干扰器

失调的优点 无人侦察机

  1. 价格比干扰器相对昂贵
  2. 无法应对无 GNSS 功能的无人机
  3. 影响区域内所有设备的 GNSS 功能

How to Choose a Jammer

Currently, there are many different jammers on the market. However, according to the structure of the equipment, it can be divided into three categories, respectively, stationary jammer, backpack jammer, and handheld jammer. You need to choose the right type for different use cases. Stationary jammer used for installation in outdoor use, to establish a station defense area, can be used for a long time. However, backpack jammers and handheld jammers are usually used when performing temporary tasks and cannot be used for a long time, and the working time is limited by the battery life.  In addition, from the antenna of the interference device can be divided into omnidirectional interference and directional interference.  Under a specific design, directional jamming can also achieve 360° omnidirectional jamming. What you need to know is that the directional jamming distance will be better than the omnidirectional jamming distance. The advantage of omnidirectional jamming is that the signal is transmitted at 360°.  The above mainly analyzes the related characteristics of the jammer from the structure, and then I will introduce some key performances of the jammer from the technical point of view.

There are two key parameters here:

  • Frequency(It refers to the frequency range of the interfering signal emitted by the device)
  • Power(It refers to the power of the interfering signal transmitted by the device)

The operating frequency of the device is determined by the communication frequency of the drone. There are two links for UAV communication, one is the remote control signal link, and the other is the video transmission signal link. These two signal bands are the ultimate targets of jamming devices. Common UAV communication frequencies: 868M, 915M, 1.5G, 2.4G, 5.2G, 5.8G. To cope with interfering devices, some FPV use very rare signal bands, such as 1.2G and 3.3G. These frequencies are the frequencies that jamming devices need to use. 

Now let’s look at anther parameter – Power. Signal power is often related to our other important performance, which is the jamming distance. Obviously, the larger the power, the farther the signal travels. At present, common power values such as 10W, 20W, 50W, 100W. 20W is commonly used in jamming guns, 50W and 100W are commonly used in stationary jamming equipment. It might be different in practice, but it’s a common occurrence. Because the large power requirements for the power supply will be higher, will undoubtedly bring more volume and heavier weight. So, if you want more interference range, you need more signal power. In addition, different interference ranges are obtained by using omnidirectional and directional antennas.

In general, the signal gain of directional antennas is between 10 and 16db, while the gain of omnidirectional antennas is between 2 and 6db. But the beam Angle range of directional antennas is limited and may be less than 90°. However, the signal radiation of omnidirectional antenna is 360° in the horizontal direction. It’s more of a performance tradeoff, distance for Angle. From the energy point of view, it follows the conservation of energy. Of course, we can use technology to send directional signals in a 360° direction.

Omni-directional antenna beam

Directional antenna beam

By analyzing the above 2 key parameters, I think we can clearly understand what kind of jammer we need. For example, say you spot an unauthorized DJI drone within 500 meters and want to temporarily disrupt it. We can easily check that the communication frequency of DJI UAV is 2.4G and 5.8G, and 5.2G is also used in some areas. GPS positioning is often 1.5G. The jamming gun uses a directional jamming mode, and usually 20W of high-frequency signal power can effectively interfere to a distance of 500 to 1000 meters. So, all you need is a jamming gun containing 1.5G,2.4G,5.2G,5.8G, and 20W signal power for a single channel. It’s possible that the DJI drones in your area are not using the 5.2G frequency. You can also get rid of it, so you can save some money. This is the simplest example, but the reality is that it’s much more complicated, so most people choose to cover as much bands as possible. 

It is important to know that the interference distance described by many sellers is usually the limit distance determined by the ideal environment. However, in reality, the interference distance involves many factors, such as the natural environment, the electromagnetic environment, the fuselage direction of the UAV, the signal transmission route from the remote control to the UAV, and so on. Let’s look at the plot of the distance between the device signal and the drone and the distance between the remote control and the drone to understand the concept of interference distance more clearly.

At point Q, the strength of the drone signal and the device signal are equal, when the device is 1000 meters away from the drone. Within a distance of less than 1000 meters from D, the signal strength of the device is higher than that of the drone, that is, the signal of the drone is suppressed in this area. When D starts to increase, the device signal becomes weaker, while the distance between the drone and the remote control becomes closer, and the signal strength of the UAV is stronger. At this point, the drone signal cannot be suppressed and the drone cannot be interfered. If the departure point of the drone is farther away, the Q point position will move to the right, meaning that the device interference distance will increase. So usually the interference distance given is either a range or an extreme value.

By understanding the above, I believe you have been able to choose a suitable jamming device.

zh_CNChinese (China)