Gaussky About Us

Experience next-level protection with Gaussky's security expertise.

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As a pioneer in the anti-drone equipment industry, we are fully aware that with the increasing sales of drones, our low-altitude area faces unprecedented challenges. We are committed to developing and producing cost-effective anti-drone products to help users effectively respond to unauthorized drone activities.

사용자에게 실시간 UAS 탐지 솔루션 및 UAV 대응 장비 제공

프로젝트 완료
행복한 고객
0 +
회사 지원
배송 국가
Our value

Gaussky protects your low altitude domain with anti drone solutions.

Our Vision

Be your sky protector.

Our Mission

Provide users with reliable anti-Uavs products and establish a low-altitude safety field.

Our Motto

The quality of the product is the life of the product.

Meet Our Team

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
