S22B Mobile Drone detection And Decoy Equipment

S22B Drone Detection Frontal Deception Defense System is specially developed to deal with various security threats brought by “low, small and slow” drones. When detecting and recognizing drones, it will transmit low-power regenerative security navigation satellite signals (with power of no more than 10dBm) to intrude into the “low, small and slow” drone navigation system, thus realizing the interception and control of drones that need to use navigation systems for flight control, so that they cannot fly into the protected area. When detecting and identifying the UAV, it launches a low-power regenerative safety navigation satellite signal (power greater than 10dBm) to invade the navigation system of “low, small and slow” UAVs, thus realizing the interception and control of UAVs that need to use the navigation system to carry out flight control, so that the UAVs can’t fly into the protected area, and guaranteeing the low-altitude safety of the area, meanwhile, the S22B drone detection and decoying defense system can be expanded to produce a wide range of professional and applicable products.

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Product model S22B
Operating frequency GPS/L1(1575.42MHz±1.023MHz)、BDS/B1(1561.098MHz±2.046MHz)、GLONASS/G1(1602MHz±4MHz)、GALILEO/E1(1575.42MHz±12.276MHz)
Coverage radius 3-10KM
Navigation spoofing No-fly drone projections (forced landings), targeted removals
Decoy Signal Accuracy Pseudorange phase control accuracy: better than 0.05m
Inter-channel consistency 0.3ns
Channel delay uncertainty Better than 0.5ns
Lure response time ≤20s
Effective Deception Angle Horizontal: 360° Vertical: ± 90°°
Signal power ≤15W
Continuous launch time ≥24h
Power wastage ≤40W
Enclosure protection IP65
Scope of work -40℃~+55℃

Contact Us

Contacts:Mr. Tang

Mobile phone:+86-133-1298-8094 



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